Friday, November 23, 2012

Bracewell's in the Danville City Directory 1893

I found the following Bracewell families in the 1893 Danville City Directory

Charles, miner, 108 S. Washington
Charles jr, miner, r 213 Stewart
Donald P, miner, h 116 W. Third
Edwin, miner, h 8 W Second
Harry, miner, r 112 Adams
James, h 112 Adams
John L, bricklayer, r 213 Stewart
John W, miner, r 109 W Second
Lillie Miss, r 112 Adams
Louis, h 213 Stewart
Robert, miner, h 205 Stewart
Rose Miss, r 109 W Second
William E, miner, h 109 W Second

"Help, Muder," and the Police Helped

Danville Commercial News
March 27, 1916

"Help, Murder," And The Police Helped

"Help! Help! My God, they're killing me! Murder! Thieves! Help! Help!"
These cries aroused Patrolman Frank Simpson shortly after 9 o'clock Monday night. The cries came from the vicinity of the Phillips Laundry Barn, Robinson street. Neighbors were aroused. A call was sent police headquarters.
Patrolman Simpson, just retiring, dressed hurriedly, grabbed his pistol and started out. Just as he reached the laundry barn, the police auto, with a load of officers, drove up and stopped. The cries were repeated. The officers made a hasty inspection of firearms. They advanced hurriedly, but cautiously.
Inside the barn they found William Morgan. Bill was drunk. In his right hand he help a wisp of hay. He was still crying out for help and warding off imaginary enemies with the handful of hay. He was taken to police headquarters and locked up for observation.

Oakwood Man Held: Confidence Game

Danville Commercial News
March 26, 1916

Oakwood Man Held: Confidence Game
William Pate Charged with Having Mulcted Miner Company for $435.

William Pate, Oakwood, is under arrest on a charge of having mulcted the B. B. Miner Elevator Co., of $435. Complaint is filed by E. A. Fox, manager of the Elevator at Oakwood. Pate is charged with having operated a confidence game, borrowing money and that when the time came to pay it he could not.  He was arrested Saturday night by Constable Bob Meade. He was taken before Justice Joseph Judy and the case continued until Wednesday afternoon. He was released under bond of $600. Walter T. Gunn will defend Pate.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Motorcyclist Hit Dog; Both are Upset, 1912

Danville Commercial News
Nov. 4, 1912
Man was unable to dodge canine speeding after a black cat.
That a black cat is unlucky, especially where a dog and a motorcycle are actively concerned, was made apparent to a motorcyclist at English and Walnut streets Monday morning about 11 o'clock. The motorcyclist was speeding westward off English street just as an overgrown pup rushed north on Walnut street, pursuing a black cat. The cyclist was unable to dodge the dog and both were upset. The dog was not badly hurt, nor was the cyclist, although he was bruised some and his brown corduroy suit torn in several places. The rider declined to give his name, but the dog was not so particular, answering to the name of Rover.

Monday, July 9, 2012

GE Employees Get Pay Raises 1958

Danville Commercial News
April 23, 1958

GE Employees Get Pay Raise

 Eleven hundred employees in the hourly and non-exempt categories at the General Electric plant in Danville will receive a 1 1/2 per cent pay increase as a result of the hike in the cost of living index.
 Salaries of exempt employees at the plant are adjusted at various times throughout the year in relation to the index and other factors.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Georgia, worth $3,590,000 take the water at Bath, ME 1904

Danville Commercial News
Oct. 11, 1904
The Georgia, worth $3,590,000 take the water at Bath, ME

(by Associated Press)
 Bath, Me., Oct. 11 - The battleship Georgia was successfully launched at the shipyards of the Bath Iron works this afternoon before a large concourse of people. Miss Stella Tate, sister of Congressman Tate of Georgia, christened the vessel. The Georgia, which is a sistership of the Nebraska, Virginia, Rhode Island and New Jersey, belongs to the most powerful type and largest class of battleships. Her contract price was $3,590,000.

(by Associated Press)
 New York, Oct. 11- The gunboat Paducah was launched at Morris Heights without a hitch or mishap today. The cost of the Paducah, when competed, will be about $675,000.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Buries Hands to End Pain Oct. 11, 1904

I love this story. Found just the other day.

Buries Hands to End Pain
Danville Commercial News
Oct. 11, 1904

Operator in Agony Until Amputated Members Are Interred.
 Hagerstown, Ind. Oct. 11 - Old Union Cemetery, near here, was the scene of an internment of an unusual character Sunday. The amputated hands of Glen Bacheler, a telegraph operator, were given solemn and careful burial. This was done at his own request, to relieve cramping pains that became intolerable from day to day.
 Three weeks ago Mr. Bacheler, who was acting as telegraph operator at a station on the Big Four west of Indianapolis, fell under a freight train during a fainting spell. His hands clutched the rail and the wheels cut them off at the wrists. A surgeon placed the hands in a jar of alcohol and Mr. Bacheler went to his father's home, in Carlos City, Randolph county.
 Bacheler claimed he suffered in his body because of the crowded condition of his hands in the jar. He believed that if the hands were buried his pains would cease. The hands were expressed to Carlos City, where they were straightened out and placed carefully in clean wrappers of linen and securely packed in a wooden box for interment. As soon as they were straightened out Mr. Bacheler expressed great relief.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Moonshine Still at Soldiers' Home...1914

Danville Commercial News
Feb. 18, 1914
Moonshine Still at the Soldiers' Home...1914

 Levenworth, Kansas, Feb 17 - A moonshine still that had been providing liquor for members of Co. M for several weeks, was discovered in the basement of the company barracks at the National Soldiers Home today. James Brister, a veteran, was arrested adn held as the owner of the still. The liquor was being made with drugs and powders and already had made a public of the old soldiers ill.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Origin of "Hoosier." ~ July 15, 1881

Origin of "Hoosier."
Danville Weekly News July 15, 1881

The origin of the "Hoosier" is given as follows:
In the history of the Bergen family, page 176, after bringing them from Bergen, Norway, by the way of Holland, to America, and peopling parts of New Jersey, one branch of the family moved, in 1818, to the vicinity of Lexington, Ky.
In 1824, they decided to move from Kentucky to Indiana and sent out an exploring party of four. In the language of the Rev. John G. Bergen, D.D., who died in Chicago, a few years ago, "They made a stand near where Indianapolis, the seat of government, now is. One night, while they were around the fire, where they were making their claim, they were suddenly aroused by the cry of "Who's here? -hoosier- and from this come the name of the Indianians, "Hoosiers."

The Mormons... 1881

From the Danville Weekly News Aug. 5, 1881

The Mormons have become so thieving, impudent and pestiferous in Colorado that the decent people have about come to the conclusion to drive them out. A Chinaman is a Christian compared with a Mormon.